Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Paper constitutes the highest percentage of waste produced by Bruneians. There is a considerable volume of paper waste within University Brunei Darussalam. UBD students were given a questionnaire on their actions regarding paper use which asked them whether they recycled paper, whether they reused paper which had been used on one side, and whether they used both sides of paper when printing or photocopying. 60% of students did not recycle paper. 15% of students did not reuse paper which was used on one side, and over 40% of students did not use both sides of paper when printing or photocopying.

Graph showing responses to questionnaires from 112 UBD students to three
questions regarding paper waste and recycling.

Only 11% of students always contribute to reducing paper waste, whereas 33% of students rarely or never contribute.

Graph showing the recycling behaviour of UBD students.

Possible solutions

Team members investigated the contents of recycle boxes and refuse boxes in the library. They initiated paper recycling in the university library and students’ shop.

Graph showing type of paper found in recycle boxes in the library.

Graph showing type of papers found in refuse boxes in the library.

Actions taken

Team members investigated the extent of the awareness among members of the UBD community, and facilities available for recycling paper. They created leaflets to promote awareness of paper recycling in the university.

Picture of UBD students and their work paper re-using and recycling.

Leaflet made by the students to promote awareness of paper recycling in the